Who we are
GENIAL PROJECT - Innovative products for the zootechny
Our company offers innovative solutions in order to improve the well-being of the animal and guarantee the productivity. Dynamicity and experience are our key word."
Thanks to our considerable experience both in zootechnical and production of rubber manufactured, GENIAL PROJECT presents with no hesitation its innovative products in the European market.
GENIAL PROJECT means experience, research, dialogue with his costumers and quality.
Our team is always studying with builders, veterinarians, farmers etc. in order to guarantee the cow comfort, and obtaining an high quality of the products.
© Genial Project srl - Strada Provinciale 20 - 26010 Salvirola (CR) - Tel. 0373-72212 - Fax. 0373-720746 - P.iva 01469210197 -
REA n. 174174 - Registro imprese di Cremona n. 01469210197